First up this morning was a single diversion into Woodbourne due to fog in Christchurch. An Air Nelson Q300 operating NZ8479 NPE-CHC diverted to Woodbourne. It departed later in the morning to Christchurch as NZ8961.
CGE12 a Cessna 172R once again operated a training flight in the Woodbourne zone operating MK-WB-MK. It was noticed making approaches to Wodbourne, carrying out missed approaches and holding at the Woodbourne hold point.
A singe noteable RNZAF arrival into Woodbourne today was P3B Orion believed to be NZ4203. This is the first noted Orion arrival in a long time.
Also noted in the area was Piper Malibu N9099Z operating from its Nelson base to New Plymouth.
Wednesday 12-Nov-2008
A few medical flights into Woodbourne today with the first being Garden City Helicopters/New Zealand Flying Doctors Cessna 441 ZK-NFD operating CHC-BHE-CHC.
Then arriving shortly before luchtime was Flight Corp Piper PA-34-200T ZK-TSD which arrived from Wellington as FCP06. TSD was noted operating the following routing NSN-WLG-BHE-NSN
Also arriving shortly before lunch were two RNZAF UH-1H Iroquoi
The star of the day was Southern DC3 Trust DC3C-S1C3G ZK-AMY 'Lady Jane' on her South Island, Legend of the Skies - Heartland Tour. She arrived during the morning and then operated several sight seeing flights during the day from Woodbourne.

Codes Used:
BHE/WB: Woodbourne
CHC: Christchurch
MK: Motueka
NPE: Napier
NSN: Nelson
WLG: Wellington
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